Thursday 13 December 2012

Sunday 9 December 2012

Saturday 8 December 2012

mising the gym :(

the last time i went  was at the gym was yesterday :( so, so, SO LONG AGO :(

Wednesday 5 December 2012

check it out

go check out my bodyspace link :) detaild nutrtion and training plan for all those bulkers out there!!

Tuesday 4 December 2012


Great cardio day today!

10 min warm up run on a 7.5 gradient

10 min row

5 min olyptical

30 min skip with two min breaks in between every 5 min

then a great abs session to end off the day

Sunday 2 December 2012



Gained 5kg in just 5 weeks... eating six meals a day is no joke!


chest day

What most people don't know is that for your chest to stand out you need your shoulders to stand back.
let me explain, at the back of your shoulder is your scapula, attached to that is you suprasprinatus muscle this muscle pulls your shoulder back, plays a great role in preventing injuries and tears in the rotatory cuff.

now to have a stand out chest is simple. flat dumbbell press with a bit of bent over barbell rows. sounds weird? try it, you wont regret it! after every set of press, pick a barbell and pull it straight toward your midsection at a 90 degree angle facing the floor. after you have completed 3 sets of this superset try it on incline dumbbell press with the same row but your hands (instead of being shoulder width apart and facing aways from you) lat them be wide spread and face in the opposite direction!

There is no harm in trying right? :)


Anybody loking for a lean muscle gaining food? (sort of like rice)

QUINOA!! its the newest hype on the bodybuilding market! try it, eat a cup after an intense workout and about an hour before bed, you wont be dissapointed!

PS: for lean muscle gain only, not weight loss

Saturday 1 December 2012

legs day

I did some legs yesterday...

front squats mixed with some walking lubges (3 sets of each)
normal squats (3 sets)
then some macing work and a 10 min run to cool down!

im so feeling the pain today!!

Friday 30 November 2012

Competition time

Its competition time soon! starting with some hectic cardio now, getting those abs in and ripped like never before!!


help to get you started

So as i have promised, here is a training programme for people starting out. more for guys who are looking to build strength as well as fitness during the holidays

Check out the link and get started :)

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Arnold... you beauty!

back day

What an awesome back day today! bad biceps sesh tho , will be picking that up again soon!

chest day

Had a brilliant chest day yesterday! now for some back and biceps today, time to hit the heavy weights!!


Monday 26 November 2012


Feeling so sick today :(

but still need to gym! 


Saturday 24 November 2012

two photos of me from the nature reserve :)
and some insperational quotes!

Friday 23 November 2012

Watch this for guys looking to get super ripped and big at the same time!
My name is shane. I am a 17 year old male living in South Africa. I started this blog to gain support for my bodybuilding. As i have just started on the 10th of October 2012, its obvious im not very far yet. The aim is to compete, around next year September or so. If I could get the support I need, I could see myself doing very well. I've got a long way to go but I have my goals and am determined to meet them.

Besides the fact that I need followers and support, I have also created this blog to help motivate, support and connect with others who are in desperate need if some insperation. So please check out the videos I will soon be posting and wherever you are in your fitness life, you will surely be pushed forward from that :) if not you take it up with me!