Sunday 2 June 2013


Four weeks of shoulder rehab, second week coming up. with a good diet, lots of bodyweight excersizes, 3 days a week on shoulders and a lot of cardio! should be in good shape :P abs are finally starting to show :D

stuff :)

check out my twitter :) @shaniboi569

chance favors those with prepared minds:)

give a comment if you need any advice.. i will be sure to help as best i can :)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Check out cross fit!just search it on google and you should grasp the idea,of not drop me a message! but if you really want that muscular build everyone looks for then incorporate this into your bulking routine. take no more than 2 days a week on it and just do pure cross fit! you will burn fat so fast i promise you! still bulk as usual on the other 5 days of training and you wont loose any muscle! and if you do, check your diet! please drop a comment if you need more info!
only the dedicated will prosper..

progress pictures coming soon!

Sunday 12 May 2013


No legs due to sprained ankle! Missing squats and deadlifts so much!

oh well i weighed myself yesterday and i got 83.8 kg first thing in the morning :D gosh i love bulking!

Thursday 9 May 2013

been busy

been so busy, had no time for blogging! but im back!!




a lot of myths go about creatine, about how bad it is, how its unhealthy or even dangerous. yes just like anything, in large doses it can be as the by product of creatine is cretininn which is bad for you. your kidneys do a good job of excreting this with a good amount of water per day (about 3% of your body weight).

when you take creatine be sure to take it with a carb loaded shake or fruit juice (such as oros) this helps the "water retention" problem and will also give you an amazing pump if taken about 45 min before a workout!

please be sure to check out these links to help you understand more about the amazing benifits of this product:
simply search creatine on you tube or on google.
or if you're looking for some good articles then take a look at for some great insight from professionals.

train hard